Quick sign

Quick sign

Quick Sign is a feature that allows you to quickly sign documents yourself. This function is not intended for sending workflows to recipients other than yourself.

You can find the feature on the start page of our SIGN8 WebApp in the lower area. 

The following signature types are available here:

  1. Simple signature
  2. Advanced signature
  3. Advanced seal 
  4. Qualified signature
  5. Qualified seal

Do you want to use the Quick Sign function? Then take a look at our tutorial or read this article. 

Start workflow

Step 1: You can start a new workflow via Quick Sign by either selecting a document with your file explorer by clicking on the button or by dragging and dropping the desired document into the field.


Step 2: Once you have selected a document, a new window opens. There you can first store a new name for the workflow and choose the type of signature or seal:

In the standard system, the name of the PDF file is stored for the name and an advanced signature is selected.
Step 3: In the next step, you must place the signature field as usual by clicking on the button with the "xS" symbol. If required, you can edit the PDF and/or fill in the form fields.
You can start the signature process by clicking on the "Sign" button. If you require a qualified signature and need to identify yourself, you will find all the necessary information here.


Quick Sign is designed to allow you to quickly sign documents yourself. Other recipients cannot be created here. Furthermore, this function is limited to one document. If you sign multiple documents or have multiple participants, you can create a workflow.

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