

To carry out the identification with Verimi, you need

  1. A smartphone with the Verimi app installed
  2. A valid ID card with the online function activated
  3. Your PIN associated with the ID card

Open workflow 

Step 1: First open the email ‘Invitation to a workflow - SIGN8’ on your smartphone and click on ‘Go to workflow’.

Step 2: Now log in and confirm your contact details.

Step 3: Now check the document to be signed and click on ‘Next’.


Step 4: Then select ‘Continue to Verimi’ in the overview of identification methods.

Step 5: You will now be redirected to Verimi. Enter your e-mail address and click on ‘Continue’.

Step 6: Once you have entered a valid telephone number, select ‘Start identification’.

Step 7: Now download the Verimi app to your smartphone.

Step 8: Open the Verimi app and click on "Mit Identifizierungs-Code fortfahren".

Step 9: Now enter the identification code in the field provided for it.

Step 10: You will be automatically redirected to the next page. There, select ‘Weiter zur PIN-Eingabe’.

Step 11: Now start reading your ID card. To do this, hold it against the back of your smartphone at camera height and do not move it.

Step 12: You will then be asked to enter the PIN of your ID card. If you do not know it or have forgotten it, you can request a new PIN from your local council. Then select ‘Weiter zum Auslesen’. Please hold the ID card close to your smartphone.

Step 13: Your ID card will now be read. Hold it up to your smartphone until the following message appears:

Sign up

Step 14: Now continue on your PC. You must assign a certificate password there. This will be requested in future signature workflows. Also remember to enter a telephone number. Then click on ‘Sign now’.


Step 15: Congratulations! After you have clicked on ‘Sign now’, your workflow is completed and you can download your qualified signed document.

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