Qualified application

Qualified application

To carry out the identification with a qualified application, you need

  • an existing certificate

Open workflow

Step 1: First open the email ‘Invitation to a workflow - SIGN8’ on your smartphone and click on ‘Go to workflow’.

Step 2: Now log in and confirm your contact details.

Step 3: Now check the document to be signed and click on ‘Next’.

Submitting an application

Step 4 : Then select ‘Continue to the application’ in the overview of identification methods.

Step 5: Now complete the application with your personal details. You can freely assign the certificate password. You will need this for future signature processes.

Sign the application

Step 6: After you have clicked on ‘Create application’, you can download your qualified application. Now sign it in a qualified manner with your current signature provider.

Upload application

Step 7: After sending the application, you will receive an e-mail. You can download the application again here and upload the signed application again. To do this, click on ‘Upload document’. You will then be redirected to SIGN8.

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